Bold shapes and clean lines for a simpler, straight forward approach to modern quilting

Quilt Patterns

Tools + Materials


Quilting should be approachable, everyone is creative, and perfection is overrated.

Our style of quilting is non-traditional (no repeating blocks, no confusing jargon, perfect for beginners). We know that everyone has a creative genius somewhere inside (and hope to bring it out so you can share it with the world!). And we’re convinced that perfection is overrated - handmade quilts are imperfect, which is what makes them so great.

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Share your work with us!

We love seeing how you translate our designs and make them your own. Browse through the quilt patterns in the book, which range from pillows to wall quilts to queen size quilts, follow us on Instagram to see more from the community, and share your own projects by using the hashtag #simplegeometricquilting.